Devour Your Summer
It sounds cliché, but we really, really love food in Victoria.
In addition to having one of the highest restaurants-per-capita in the world, we also have an abundance of festivals for foodies throughout the year, offering a chance to come and experience an entire region of food all at once. We devour our summers!
One of the first food festivals every year is the 8th annual Fernwood Bites (June), right in the heart of Fernwood. One of our premier festivals of food and wine, Victoria Taste, arrives July 14 through 17.
As we move through the summer and fall there is the Great Canadian Beer Festival (September 8 & 9), Esquimalt Rib Festival (September 8-10), and Brewery & The Beast (September 24), each offering their own take on local culinary and brewing traditions.
Between festivals there are countless restaurants, bistros, delis, cafes, food carts, and more worth checking out throughout the city. You can usually spot the current hot spots by the lineups out the door – and they’re always worth the wait!